The 10WEST Corridor Community Workshop has been POSTPONED… More details to come.

Community Engagement

Beginning in Spring 2024, the Capitol District and I-10 West Corridor teams have been hosting and participating in workshops, listening posts, coffee shop discussions, and many other community events to engage and get feedback from community members to help shape the Transit Oriented Communities plans that will help shape the future of these communities.

Previous Engagement Workshop Results

If you were unable to make it to one of our previous workshops, take a look at the following presentations that were presented during the workshops!

Capitol District Workshop Presentation

I-10 West Corridor Workshop Presentation

Capitol District Visioning Workshop Presentation

I-10 West Corridor Visioning Workshop Presentation

Upcoming Engagement Events

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Transit Oriented Communities are defined as areas of influence that implement characteristics of compact, high density, multi-use development. They are being developed for the purpose of being walkable and comfortable in proximity to multimodal transportation. The City of Phoenix is attempting to reduce the development of low density, spread out, and unfriendly environments by ‘reinventing’ the pattern of auto-oriented development known throughout the metro.

  • Transit Oriented Communities focus on land use policies that focus on encouraging varying densities and housing types for a wider study area around the proposed transit development, while Transit Oriented Development focus on land use policies that influence mixed use development specifically around proposed transit stops and transit corridors.

  • Equity is defined as providing everyone with resources and opportunities needed to reach success, while equality is defined as the act of treating everyone fairly and equally. Equity acknowledges that not everyone is starting from the same standpoint and may need more resources or opportunities than others in order to reach success.

  • Affordable housing provides opportunities for residents with low incomes to pay 30% or less of their annual income on housing rent. Affordable housing varies in applications and required income; however, it provides opportunities for residents outside of standard housing prices. There are many myths about affordable housing, it should be noted that affordable housing or not the same thing as houseless and housing shelters.

  • Your voice matters as everyone can provide a different perspective for concerns, opportunities, and areas of improvement for your community. As someone living, working, and being a part of a community, you provide insight that a professional may not have. Your voice is valued as a part of this process.

What is a Transit Oriented Community (TOC) Project?

The City of Phoenix secured a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant to advance two Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) projects in two critical areas: the Capitol District and the I-10 West Corridor.

These TOC projects are strategically designed to enhance the Capitol District and I-10 West Corridor communities in anticipation of the Valley Metro Light Rail extensions into these areas.

With the help of community members, these projects will identify options the to enhance urban connectivity and promote equitable land use and housing. The projects also aim to improve mobility, economic growth, health and improve quality of life for community residents.

Capitol District

I-10 West Corridor

Stay Connected with TOC Projects in your community!

Learn about the innovative urban transportation project in Phoenix, AZ. Get updates on design plans, progress, and exciting project details. Reach out to us with any questions or ideas - we'd love to hear from you!